If the shelves are rained or accidentally soaked, then the first thing we think of is to take it out to bask in the sun, which is indeed a common and effective method, and it is very necessary to bask in the sun on the shelves every once in a while, so that it can not only have a dehumidifying effect on the shelves, but also prevent some insects from infringing on the shelves. Sprinkling some medium duty racking quicklime or some drying agent on the ground where the shelves are located can also be effectively moisture-proof. It is more practical to use some precautions when installing the shelves, and when the shelves are just installed, a tile is used on each foot pad of the shelves, so that it can play a moisture-proof effect, especially in the rainy season. When it comes to shelves, people think of pharmacy medicine cabinets, or large warehouse shelves. But from a professional point of view, when it comes to shelves, not many people may know. At the same time, when it comes to the shelves, everyone thinks that they put goods, and there is no other role and function.
In fact, the concept of Hefei shelf pallet rack shelving surface is generally literal, shelf refers to the shelf where goods are stored. In warehouse equipment, shelves are storage equipment specifically designed to store finished items. Shelves in logistics and warehouse occupies a very important position, with the rapid development of modern industry, the amount of logistics has increased significantly, in order to achieve the modern management of the warehouse, improve the function of the warehouse, not only requires a large number of shelves, but also requires multi-function, and can achieve mechanization, automation requirements.

1. Shelf is a shelf structure, which can make full use of warehouse space, improve the utilization rate of warehouse capacity, and expand warehouse storage capacity.
2. The goods stored in the shelves are not squeezed by each other, and the loss of materials is small, which can completely ensure the function of the materials themselves and reduce the loss of goods.
3. The goods on the heavy duty rack manufacturers shelves are easy to access, easy to inventory and measurement, and can be done first-in-first-out.
4. To ensure the quality of stored goods, measures such as moisture-proof, dust-proof, anti-theft, and anti-vandalism can be taken to improve the quality of material storage.
5. The structure and function of many new shelves are conducive to the mechanization and automatic management of warehouses.